Interested in becoming a Renegade? There are a few requirements that must be fulfilled before you can join the team!
The first requirement is your horse. You must be able to ride your horse comfortably and safely at a walk, trot, canter, and maybe a little faster! Your horse must be a stock-type horse. Being able to carry a flag is a huge plus, but if you never have, don’t worry! We will help both horse and rider learn to carry a flag, but you must be able to control your horse with one hand. We are always willing to help new riders learn new things!
We love to have youth involved in drill, but we would like our members to be 16 years old to be on the team. If you are younger, a part-time or parade team spot would be a great start to the world of equestrian drill. If you are not sure about drill, but would like to do more with your horse, consider joining the parade team.
Next, having reliable transportation is a big must! If we don’t have trucks and trailers how do we get to performances? You must have your own truck and trailer and they must be in good running repair. We all know things happen and we may not be able to haul to every practice or performance, but you do need to have your own truck and trailer to get where you need to be!
The Renegades ground crew is very important for our success. We are always looking for extra ground crew to help us out, if interested contact The Renegades. Ground crew is also a great way to learn about drill and see if it would be a great fit for you and your horse. Ground crew gets the best seats in the house. They are always up front at events and close to the action.
Lastly, the Renegades are a talented, hard-working, fun-loving group of cowgirls and cowboys. We love to have fun and goof around, all while perfecting our precision moves and unique drills! If you feel like you fit these requirements and want to be apart of this award winning drill team, please feel free to contact us and come to a practice to see what the sport of mounted drill is all about! We are always looking for new riders who feel they have what it takes and love to be with their horses as much as we do!
If you feel you have what it takes to be a Renegade, email or call
Sheryl Stephens, Captain at (614) 325-0262.